Thursday, September 15, 2011

Quality Health Care Is Key to Raising Cattle

Quality land and quality feed are obviously vital in keeping your cattle healthy and much more valuable on the market. THe folks who will be looking over your cattle on the auction block know exactly what they are looking for, so it is vital for any cattle rancher to make sure his cattle is healthy and can bring home the most money and offer the best food that can ensure your reputation as a cattle rancher who is known for bringing the best livestock. Even the female cattle have to have their health heeds filled so that their young will grow up healthy and profitable and in turn, produce livestock of their own to keep the business alive for years.

It is vital to make sure that the reproduction of the cattle is well managed to ensure a healthy and profitable future. That way the rancher doesn’t have to spend his or her profits on replacement cattle. The cattle will reproduce for generations if taken care of properly. That’s not to say the process is cheap, because getting high-profile feed and quality supplements are the key to ensuring a healthy cattle stock. It is a part of the process that is costly in the short term, but can be very profitable in the long term.

Another cost that can never be avoided is high-quality health care, especially for young cattle. Vaccinations are key to maintaining a healthy herd and the vaccinations can also help stop the spread of viruses that can kill large amounts of cattle. For ranchers who survive on beef, a virus can be devastating, so it’s best to take care of any problems well in advance with simple routine care.

Studies show that reducing nursing time on young cattle causes stress for the young and can result in them not growing as large as they should, especially during the key first two years of life. It can also bring about serious healthy problems down the road.

Many ranchers are now taking charge of being active in the birthing of their calves. Many ranchers now think that it is acceptable to have a hand in the process, especially when the heifer delivering the calf is having difficulty. Diligent care may save the lives of the heifer and the calf and save the rancher a lot of money in the long run

Jeff Berlinicke

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