Friday, October 7, 2011

Cattle Bulls

If you want your bulls to produce at their best, make sure to keep them away from older and more experienced bulls during the mating season so that they can produce the things that are needed to be prepared and a quality diet is vital to the process. Keeping them close to older bulls can cause damage and will keep them from growing at a steady rate instead of maturing more quickly than normal. It is vital to keep an eye on the steadiness of the growth of a young bull.

The diet of a young bull is very important. Grain is a vital part of their diet, so using the right grains can be one of the most important parts of the breeding process. Bulls need about two pounds of grain per day after they are weaned, and that diet should continue to be enforced until the bull reaches about 1,000 pounds. Monitoring the dgrowth and the diet is vital to the growth of the bulls and needs to be monitored on a daily basis.

There is plkenty of technology available to monitor the diet and growth of the young bulls. A large number of heifers can be impregnated by a small herd of bulls, so costs can be kept down and, in beef cattle ranching that is very important. The bottom line plays a big part of the success of a cattle ranch, Most experts agree that the overall quality of genetics from the bulls that are available are more important than having an inordinate number of bulls. It is about quality over quantity.

Keeping the bulls away from heifers when it is not breeding season is another vital part of the breeding process. They should be separated by pens with no chance of mingling with the heifers and it might even be a good idea to use an electric fence that gives off shocks if the bulls get to close to the pens that hold the heifers. Bulls are very powerful and very strong and must be kept away by whatever means are necessary.

Keeping the bulls healthy and monitored closely is the most important part to ensuring a healthy cattle stock and making sure you get the best quality beef in return. Regular checkups mean everything and giving

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