Monday, October 10, 2011

Keeping Your Cattle Healthy Is Vital to Your Ranch

Nothing can be more devastating to a herd of cattle like a virus that spreads quickly. Cattle are not especially immune to sickness and trying to cure the sickness as it roars through the herd can be costly and disastrous when it comes to breeding in the future. The illnesses may result in the ultimate death of the cattle, so precautions must be taken long before things get out of hand.
Proper vaccinations are vital when it comes to preventing illnesses before they cause a major problem. The costs of the vaccinations can be steep but it is worth it in the long run because those cattle, if raised properly, can bring in a load of money and make the precautions worth every cent. If your cattle are not properly vaccinated it can wipe out the entire herd. Organic ranchers make sure that their cattle are properly vaccinated and that is why their cattle go for a much higher price when it comes to the bottom line. They have a higher mortality rate and need to sell for a much higher rate than regular commercial cattle so that the beef cattle ranchers can make their money back.
The United States government has placed many guidelines to regulate viruses in the cattle ranching industry and they have got to be followed. That is why there are so many regulations that need to be followed about importing cattle. There are feeding controls in place and the guidelines ensure that the cattle are well cared for and that the people who ultimately consume them are not at risk.
Make sure you have an emergency plan of action just in case there are illnesses among your cattle. They should immediately be separated from the healthy cattle and all should be examined to determine the healthy and the sick. Isolating the ill cattle is important and, remember, with some types of viruses there is an incubation period, so some cattle might not immediately appear ill, so that is why it is vital to monitor all cattle at the slightest sign of illness.
Beef cattle ranching is a vital part of the country since so many people eat red meat. Most of the red meat comes from cattle, so keeping your cattle healthy and safe from the rest of the herd is vital to your business and to the health of all beef-eating people, as well as the rest of your herd. Taking care of your herd is a big responsibility to your business as well as to those who enjoy your product.
Jeff Berlinicke

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